Riverside Collection
Over the past few months we have found messing about by the river to be a perfect place to switch off from all of the uncertainty surrounding lockdown .We are so lucky to be able to wander down by the river for a walk with the dogs who love to splash about in the water. Mabel especially is a little water baby - the only problem is when she comes out and delights in shaking the water all over the nearest victim :-)
Living so close to the river has been the inspiration for our Hettie Riverside Collection which you can find here
Riverside Collection- a place to be calm and soothed
This gorgeous collection is inspired by our stunning riverside walks with the dogs and the colours of nature all around us. Feeling very at peace near the water and we love to sit on the riverbank and watch the world meander by. And watch the pups playing in the water too !
"Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, M.D. Discoverer of Vitamin C
As humans, we’re naturally drawn to areas with water. Contact with water induces a meditative state that makes us happier, healthier, calmer, more creative, and more capable of awe.
With a colour palette of greens and neutrals , our Riverside Collection will take you to a place to relax and experience happiness. In your home create a calm space , and let our country style accessories remind you of nature , energy and balance.
Find out more about our wonderful network of rivers and canals at the Canal and River Trust here . Take a walk together alongside the water and feel better straight away !
"Our research shows that spending time by water, whether it be your lunchbreak, daily commute or just a weekend stroll, really can make us feel happier and healthier.
With ever increasing rates of obesity, stress and declining mental health in the UK, we are uniquely placed to make a significant contribution to improving the wellbeing of millions of people. Our canals and rivers run through some of the most heavily populated communities in England and Wales, providing accessible green and blue space where it’s needed the most "